Dr. Paul J. Midtlyng

Founder & CEO

Paul is a veterinarian by education and has worked in the prevention and control of fish diseases since 1985.

After being involved in the development and implementation of zoo-sanitary and health management of Norwegian salmon farming, Paul carried out clinical research to identify and document efficacious and safe furunculosis vaccines for Atlantic salmon; formulations that rapidly came into widespread and routine use in both Norwegian and international salmon aquaculture. He has also been involved in research on disease resistance breeding in salmonids species, and the development of new in vivo infection models for emerging fish diseases.

Through his activities to support disease control, he has gained substantial experience and knowledge in the regulatory requirements for fish medicines (both vaccines and pharmaceuticals) in Norway and in Europe. Although being familiar with a broad range of topics, Paul’s specific field of scientific expertise is in applied fish health, particularly experimental and field trials with vaccines and medicines.

Besides the development of Aquamedic AS, Paul is retaining a part-time academic affiliation with the School of Veterinary Medicine, Norwegian University of Life Science, where he is currently heading an animal welfare motivated project on the use of antibody measurements to replace challenge trials for batch release of multivalent fish vaccines.